Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Dating When You're Married (And regular date ideas)

     I have decided that dating, when you're married, is all about knowing the town you live in. A lot of the ideas in this list are specific to our town, but I know Whatever youevery town has something similar. Most places even have a website of events, some free some not, in your area.

1. Canoe the River- Our town has a little kayak rental place set up at the river, same at the lake, and for an extra fee they will even pick you up in a shuttle at the end of the river and bring you back to the starting point. We borrowed a raft from the family though, and park a car at both endpoints of the trip.

2. We also spent a date night canoeing on a lake for wildlife viewing. We saw fish jumping everywhere, tons of geese, ducks, loons. It is just peaceful being on the water.

3. Friday First Art Tours- A group of art galleries in town participate in this event. The first friday of every month you can hop from gallery to gallery, looking at art, but also eating all the free food ;-) Some places now have live music I believe.

4. Saturday morning bike rides- There are a lot of bike trails in our town.

5. Go to Real Estate open houses- We haven't done this yet, but it sounds like fun. We have scheduled real estate viewings with a realtor when we were in the market, that was actually a lot of fun.

6. Rock wall climbing- Google it. Most towns have an indoor rock wall somewhere. I've heard of a place in Idaho that is like entire outdoor obstacle course, but indoors: rock walls, planks, ropes, etc....

7. Gun range- Maybe neither one of you are into guns- But this can be fun. We have access to a few outdoor ranges, and one indoor range. Outdoors can be fun for target shooting, if you don't have a mosquito problem like we do.

8. Laser Tag

9. Free live music- We have Music in the Park, or in the gardens, or just go to coffee shops on Friday night. Every coffee shop in our town has live music of some kind on Friday nights.

10. Cheap Movie Theater and dinner or a snack- We don't have a dollar theater, but a local bar is known for it's cheaper showings of mostly current films, and you can order dinner to eat while you watch.

12. Hotel lobby hopping on Saturday mornings- Hunting for free cookies/breakfasts. I don't know, maybe this one isn't moral, but it sounds like fun. ;-) We have never tried this, but whenever I stay at a hotel with free food, I wonder how they know who is really a guest and who walked in off the streets.

13. Zip lining- A youth camp was selling rides on their zip line to raise money for scholarships for their camp. We drove 36 miles and rode the zip line! It was worth it! If you look around, I'll bet there's a boy scout camp or any camp of a kind, with a zip line close to you.

14. Gift card dinners- Going out to eat is okay every now and then too (Can't be adventurous all the time ;-) But I especially love when I have an excuse to go to dinner because I received a gift card. There are websites that sell restaurant gift cards for half price, and our radio station has a 50/50 deal every Friday. Go deal hunting and have fun!

15. Have a bonfire and make s'mores- Depending on where you live, this may not be possible. Maybe you have an outdoor fire pit, or a propane stove. Any flame will do. Even if you're just staying in to watch a movie- s'mores in a microwave are my favorite because the chocolate actually melts!

One dating snag we have run into in our marriage is both of us not having the same interests. So we rotate weekly whose turn it is to be in charge of planning the date.

Whatever you do, make date night a priority, it will keep your marriage alive!

Just a thought.

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